Probe PERSONJSTE Probe Research Group Japanese page

Demo Center

Mobile Phone Operation

Mobile Phone Operation for Travel Status

For each trip, the user performs simple mobile phone operation upon departure, changing transport modes, and arrival. In the case of serial trips by car from home to office, office to home, (1) to (4) in the figure below are the timing of mobile phone operation.


Arrive Home Travel by Car Leave Office Arrive at Office Travel by Car Leave Home

The Departure Operation initiates GPS positioning, thereby the time and position data while traveling will be stored in a database at a designated interval. The positioning interval can be set for one to 86,400 seconds (or one day).

Mobile Phone Operation for Additional Data Entries

The user is able to enter photos and comments while shopping, dining or having something to be mentioned and recorded.

Entering data

System Features

* A trip is defined as a person's movement from one location "origin" to another "destination" for a certain purpose. Even if the means of transportation are changed on the way to the destination, still the trip is counted as one single trip.


Probe PERSON, JSTE Probe Research Group